American Aerospace Archive #2: North American FJ-5


Jared A. Zichek


AeroArchive Press




Scott Van Aken

Notes: 34 pages

American Aerospace Archives' second volume is on the North American proposal for a navalized version of their F-107A fighter, an aircraft that was in competition with the F-105. Though the aircraft itself looks very much like the F-107A, the FJ-5 had the wings of the FJ-4 and some other differences such as an oval intake and the required carrier equipment.

In this book, author Jarad A Zichek has amassed the contractor's design proposal that includes a wealth of drawings of not only the overall airframe, but also a variety of detail illustrations. These have all been put together into one book that also provides the written proposal from North American. This proposal gives the detailed statistics of the aircraft, how it would perform, how it would fit on the various classes of aircraft carrier and how its weapons systems would function.

In all it is a fascinating look at what could have been. 'Whiffer' modelers will appreciate it as well for it opens up a whole new area with which to expand their area of interest.

It is a book that I found quite interesting and I know you will as well. The most reasonable price also makes it a bargain and is a book that I can easily  recommend.

December 2008

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