Zvezda 1/144 Bf-109F-2
KIT #: | 6116 |
PRICE: | $4.95 SRP |
DECALS: | Generic |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
The first real airframe update to the 109, and one that would last it for the rest of the war was in 1940 with the Bf-109F. Though the plane was a bit late for the Battle of Britain, the F model was the main plane for the Russian invasion and for most of the fighting in North Africa. Many of the Luftwaffe's pilots thought the F model was the best 109 built as it had very good maneuverability and still had reasonable fire power. The later G model had a more powerful engine, but was burdened by heavier armament, armor and systems. Each increase in horsepower was followed by more and more weight. All this reduced maneuverability considerably, despite the last versions being the fastest in a straight line.
latest in Zvezda's war gaming kits is this 1/144 Bf109 F-2. Well actually, it
could be anything up to a G-2, before the wheel bulges were put into the wing as
it isn't really all that detailed. The single sprue of glossy plastic has eight
pieces, making it nearly a complex kit from what I've seen in this line. You do
get an actual option on this one and that is to have the gear up or down. Since
there is a large display/movement stand, perhaps the up option would be quite
useful. There is a small, solid clear bit for the c
and the required movement card.
Instructions are a very simple exploded 3D drawing. No painting information is supplied and the decal sheet is quite generic, so no detailed and accurate unit markings for this one. There are aftermarket decals that can be found which should prove to be helpful and those with the extras from their Sweet 109Fs will now find a use for them.
This kit is part of a number specially done for Zvezda's 'Art of Tactic' game system. It should make into a very nice and quickly built model in its own right and is really perfect for new modelers thanks to its snap construction.
April 2011
Thanks to www.dragonmodelsusa.com for the preview kit. Get yours at your local retailer.
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