Fujimi 1/48 Bf-109G-6 trop (Tropical Pik-as)
Kit Number: J-8
Price: $35.00 retail
Decals: Four aircraft of JG53 in Spring 1943: all in 74/75/76 with white tail bands.
Comments: This is yet another in a long series of 109s from Fujimi. Unlike many of Fujimi's 1/72 kits, their 109s are well engineered and fit well. This does not mean that one can just slap them together, as careful fitting of parts is required prior to applying cement. The most difficult part is probably the fitting of the engine cowling, but after a few kits, this becomes a rather routine effort.
I have found little to fault with these kits, but the biggest is that the
aircraft is molded with all possible hatches, holes and filler caps. The
builder must then fill in all that do not apply to the version that is being reproduces. For the bucks, I feel this should not be required as it does
add time to the build. It also might cause problems for the less experienced
builder. On the plus side, since many variants are added on the trees, there
are a bunch of spare parts left over that can easily find their way onto
other less expensive 109s.
Again I can thank some retailers for offering these kits on sale so that I can afford them. The original $25.00 price tag has now escalated to $35.00 and I have seen the more recent releases at $39.00. Frankly this is just ridiculous and I would be willing to bet that it is the high price that sees these kits being offered on sale at less than $20.00.
The decals are quite useable and react well to most setting solutions although
they are not quite as opaque as one might like. They are quite complete and
offer a wide variety of standard warnings and filler signs. Just putting
on all the little decals will add a day or two to your build.
Overall I like the kits a great deal. I've built several and recommend them to those who can afford the cost.
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