Platz 1/144 P-47D 'Razorback' Thunderbolt
KIT #: | PD 14 |
PRICE: | ¥1400 |
DECALS: | Four options |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
NOTES: | Two full kits in each box. |
One of the three most important US fighters used in the European theater was the P-47 Thunderbolt. As often happens, the aircraft was most successful in a role for which it was not designed. Allow me to back up a bit. The Thunderbolt was designed to be a high altitude escort fighter, able to go with the bombers to targets and back. Hence the turbocharging of the engine and the heavy 8 gun armament. Problem was, the Thunderbolt was a gas-hog of the first degree and had such a limited range that the best it could do was escort bombers for the first section of their mission and meet them coming back for the last.
The only other available fighter with the range needed was the P-38 Lightning. However, it had serious engine problems caused by detonation at high altitude that were never really cured, and it wasn't the fastest plane around nor the best dog-fighter. The best plane for the escort mission was the Mustang. However it wasn't designed for the USAAF and had to be pretty well shoved down the throats of AAF generals to get it into production for American pilots.
Back to the Thunderbolt. Once enough Mustangs got into service, the P-47 was pretty much switched over to a role for which it was superbly designed, that of fighter-bomber. It could carry bombs with little trouble, had heavy guns and thanks to that big radial, was a lot less susceptible to ground fire than its liquid-cooled comrades. However, there were never enough Mustangs to go around and so in some units, specifically the 56 FG, the P-47 soldiered on in both escort and fighter bomber roles.
modelers who like quality kits of WWII fighters have had it quite good in the
last couple of years. First Sweet started releasing kits and a bit later Platz
started doing the same thing. Now I'm not sure if these two companies are in any
way related to each other, but I can tell you that they both do some superb
kits. Because of the small size, they generally offer two full kits in each box
and this one is no exception.
Platz's Thunderbolt is superbly done and while the engraved detailing is probably like having gutters between the panels in full scale, they do the job of conveying the lines and that is what is important. It should not be surprising that the majority of parts are the same for this kit as the earlier bubbletop variant, differing only in fuselage halves and canopies.
The kit actually is well detailed with a seat and control panel to put into the cockpit tub. The main gear has the lower gear door molded onto it and the wheel fits onto the stub on the inside of the door. A full engine is given to us and there are three different props; two Curtiss-Electric and a Hamilton Standard. These will be used depending on the aircraft modeled.
You will notice that the layout of the sprues (with the fuselage
halves separate) will mean a razorback. There are holes in the lower wing for
wing pylons and/or the infrequently used bazooka. Two bombs are provided for the
pylons. I personally would have rather seen fuel tanks, but that is the way it
goes. A large centerline fuel
tank is provided. Those with sharp eyes will notice the additional fin fillet
included to do a later -30 P-47. The only wheel options are the ones for 6
Instructions offer five construction steps with the appropriate notes. Pay careful attention when doing the prop as they are not the same for all four markings options. First is Frank Klibbe's 61 FS/56 FG plane as shown on the box art in OD over Neutral Grey. The red cowling will need painted, but two optional rudder/fin decals are given. Next is Walker Mahurin's 63 FS/56 FG plane. This is a P-47D-5 and if I recall, should not have wing pylons. Also in OD over Neutral Grey. From the 78th FG is James Wilkinson's checker nosed aircraft. This one has full Invasion stripes and those are supplied on the sheet. Finally, the lone natural metal aircraft with the 80th FG in the CBI. This one was flown by Stanton Smith Jr and has a multi-colored front cowling. Both that marking and the Medium Green anti-glare panel are provided as decals. These decals are superbly printed . The decal and painting guide is repeated on the back of the box in full color.
I can't see this kit doing anything other than very brisk sales. The quality is there and one can easily build up quite an air armada in a relatively short time with these kits. If you have never tried one of these kits, you'll be in for quite a pleasant surprise.
November 2008
My thanks to for the preview sample. Get yours today at your local shop or have them order it in for you.
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