KIT: |
Hasegawa 1/72 Hurricane I (late type) |
KIT # |
51338 (AP38) |
$14.98 |
Two Aircraft |
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Hands up for those who have never heard of the Hawker Hurricane. Hmm, I see a couple of people who don't know of this plane. Let me just say that had it not been for Sidney Camm's very straight-forward design for the RAF's most numerous fighter in early 1940, that the Battle for Britain may very well have not come out as well as it did. Of standard steel tube framework covered with either aluminum or fabric where the need arose, the Hurricane was the RAF's first really modern retractable landing gear, monoplane fighter. A very rugged design that was also quite heavily armed for the time with no less than 8 .0303 Browning machine guns, it is the Hurricane that was sent in to tackle the Luftwaffe's bombers while the Spitfires got all the glory fending off the escorting Bf-109Es.
This kit is listed as the late type Hurricane for several reasons. It doe not have the fabric covered wings of the earlier variant, nor does it have a two bladed prop and it also has a different exhaust from the earlier version. There are a few other small differences, but those are the biggest ones.
This is very much a state of the art Hasegawa kit and exactly like what is being produced by that company today despite the 1995 date on the box. When this kit came out, it was lambasted for having fuselage fabric detail that was too pronounced. Actually it looks more like corrugations than fabric, but it seems to me that a bit of sanding should take care of it.
The surface detailing is excellent, though it is somewhat marred by some sink marks, the most noticeable being on the leading edge of the upper wings just outboard of the landing lights. The guns are also faired over so you'll have to open those up when building the kit. You will also have to fill in a pair of shell ejector chutes on the outboard part of the lower wing. What those are for, I'm not really sure, but I'm no Hurricane expert. There are no optional things to hang under wings as that didn't happen until later Hurricane marks. You also have to cut off the tail wheel molded in and replace it with an earlier version.
The cockpit is fair, but basic and there
is no sidewall detail. I still find this odd that Hasegawa doesn't provide more
detailed interiors in its 1/72 kits. The 15-20 year old Heller Hurricane has
more detail in this area. Instrument panel is supplied as a decal, standard fare
for Hase 1/72 kits. You also get two different prop spinners and separate
blades. One thing you will have some 'fun' with are the ejector pin marks.
These are found on the exhaust, inside gear doors, wheels, seat and a few other
places. Canopy is a single piece and molded in the closed position.
Instruction sheet is typically excellent and you have markings for two Battle of Britain aircraft. Both are Dark Green/Dark Earth upper surfaces with one in the A pattern and the other in the B pattern. The box art plane is for Robert Stanford-Tuck from 257 squadron. His Hurricane has a Duck Egg Green undersurface with the left wing underside painted black. The other aircraft is from 1 squadron's Arthur Clowes and has a full Duck Egg Green undersurface. There has been much discussion and publishing going on concerning RAF planes of this period, especially when it comes to underside colors. I would recommend doing some supplemental reading on the subject before applying the underside paint. Decals are typical of Hasegawa, which means they will either work great or be a disaster. They are well printed and in register.
Since this kit was produced, Revell of Germany has come out with a series of Hurricanes at half the price. Which is better? I really don't know as I haven't built either of them. Perhaps it is time that I did.
Review kit courtesy of me and my wallet!
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