
Canopy Master Vacuforming Machine

  Kingston Vacuum Works,
PO Box 3301 Kingston NY 12402




Scott Van Aken

To quote from the press release: "..the Canopy Master, the latest in its line of affordable vacuum forming tables for modelers, designers, hobbyists and engineers. It has a working area of 3 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches with a 5 inch diagonal. perfect for almost any canopy . It is especially designed for modelers who seek to improve the scale appearance of their models by forming their own, thinner plastic canopies, entire noses or front ends. An abundant amount of clear acetate and styrene is included with each table." The release goes on to mention that there are two other similar products with working areas of 4x6, 6x8, 8x10 and 14x16 inches.

For those of us who have had miserable success with the usual 'smash' method of canopy forming and who have not been able to find an old Mattel vacu-form, this small vac table will come in very handy. Since the table itself does not come into contact with any heat, it can be made of wood without any real problems. As you can see, one simply hooks up a common household vacuum cleaner to it to provide the vacuum needed. Two heat-resistant metal frames are provided with which one traps the plastic card and four large 'buffalo' clamps are also include to hold the two frames together. One simply turns on the oven, inserts the two wooden blocks, places the framework on the blocks and waits for the plastic to start sagging. Once that occurs, the framework is moved to the wooden platen where the master is held, the vacuum turned on, and the framework pressed over the master. In a very short time you will have your vac formed part.

No assembly is required as it comes as you see in the picture above. 12 sheets of clear acetate and 12 sheets of  about 10 thousandths plastic are provided. A fully detailed instruction book comes with each machine giving step by step guidelines on use and operation. You can obtain more information by visiting the website below at the hyperlink or calling them toll free at 877-560-6398.

Review item courtesy of Kingston Vacuum Works. Thanks for your support.

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