PJ Production 1/48 Martin Baker Mk.10 Ejection Seat

KIT #: 481213
PRICE: €5.20 from www.pjproduction.net
REVIEWER: Scott Van Aken
NOTES: Resin

Continuing with the ejection seats, PJ Production offers another fine  Martin Baker ejection seat, this time is the the Mark 10. This seat was used in the Mirage, Alpha Jet, Hawk, F-18, Tucano, F-5, Rafale, Tornado, Sea Harrier, Eurofighter, AMX, Gripen, Shenyang (probably the F.7), Osprey and MB.339. Yep a lot of different and more modern types than the last batch. As with all their 1/48 seats, all the belts and harness items are molded in place. As the seat is the most noticeable thing in a jet model, you can now toss that somewhat generic kit seat and replace it with something more detailed.

January 2012

My thanks to PJ Production for supplying the review set. You can order direct from the hyperlink.

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