Moskit replacement exhausts








Scott Van Aken


For 1/48 Bf-109E





OK. I'll admit it. When I first heard of these things, I thought, "Talk about a dumb idea. Just another aftermarket thing for me to waste my money on. I'm not completely stupid, I can drill out exhaust just like anyone else." And so, for several months, that was about it.

Later on, at one of our club meetings, a member brought in a 1/48 Monogram Bf-110 that he had used these exhausts on. I was really impressed. They look absolutely super! They have the kind of thin walls that I could never duplicate, especially when one is dealing with exhaust pipes that are not round, like those on the Bf-109. So I have bought a set...or two...or three. Alright, I have three sets. One for the Bf-109E is shown below on the left, one for a Bf-109G/K (shown on the right), and another set for the Yak-9D.

The package info says that they are delicate and cannot handle a lot of stress. I can believe it as they are light as a feather. I'm not sure how these are made, but they are very nice indeed. An upcoming kit review will have these exhaust used on the kit and I'll let you know how they work.

Review copy courtesy of me and my wallet!! If any of you manufacturers or shop owners want to send products for review and building, please contact me.