Kit Masx 144-03: He-111Z Zwilling




Scott Van Aken


For the Roden kit

This set from Kit Masx is for the Roden 1/144 He-111Z 'Zwilling'. Like many of the mask sets from KitMasx, this is one that anyone with this kit would be smart to pick up. It is basically two He-111s, so has a fair number of additional panes to the regular 111.Of course, the set also includes wheel masks, which I find very useful for these small scale kits.   This is a vinyl mask set and is also available in kabuki tape.

Though no placement guide is provided, there really is no need as the placement is pretty easy to intuit, especially as KitMasx tells you what part number each section of masks fit. I'd show you the mask set, but all you'd see is a blank grey square.

Thanks to Kitmasx for the review set. You can get yours today at this link.

May 2023

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