JHO Paint Masking Putty


A variety of uses


 $4.95 for approx 135 grams 


Scott Van Aken




The other day, I received a sample of this putty from Jim's Hobbies Online. Now I have never used a masking putty before. Frankly, I have been quite satisfied with using tape of various sorts for my masking needs. However, there has been one area that I have never been quite satisfied with when masking. That is doing 'soft' edge camouflage. For some reason, I've not been able to get the nice, tight line that was needed. 

Various suggestions have been made like cutting masks or using string under the masking tape edge, but I've not had decent results from any of these methods. So, I have stuck with using masking tape for camouflage lines or accepting the rather broad line that I am able to get with my airbrush.

JHO Masking Putty is very much like the Silly Putty that many of us have played with as children. The major difference (other than the fact that JHO putty doesn't bounce when rolled into a ball), is that JHO putty is sticky. Now this stickiness does not leave a residue and is quite handy for holding small parts. I have been using it for holding bits for painting and it works quite well. As for sticking things in it to paint, that works well also, but the bits have a tendency to droop after a day or so as the putty is slightly elastic. One thing it works very well for is to fill wheel wells when it comes time to paint the surrounding aircraft.

All in all it is a good product that will work in a number of applications.

Review item courtesy of Jim's Hobbies Online.

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