Just Plane Stuff

2021 Carmel Avenue, Racine WI 53405

Phone: (262) 633-1942

E-mail: schemel@execpc.com

U.S. Navy Flight Deck: Our U.S. Navy flight deck is resin cast and depicts a carrier from the 1930’s to the Korean War. Over 30 carriers with this style deck were supplied to the Royal Navy in the Lend/Lease program during WWII. Comprehensive painting and marking instructions are included.

JPS001: 1/48th scale, 13 by 14 inches $25.95

JPS002: 1/72nd scale, 8 ¾ by 9 ¼ inches $20.95


Japanese Flight Deck: Our Japanese Flight Decks are resin cast and depict an Imperial Japanese Navy flight deck of WWll. Included are details of deck markings for 17 IJN carriers.

JPS003: 1/48th scale, 13 by 14 inches $25.95

JPS004: 1/72nd scale, 8 ¾ by 9 ¼ inches $20.95


Paint Transfer Pipettes: A package of 12 polyethylene pipettes. Tough, reusable eyedroppers used for paint mixing and transfer of liquids.

JPS005: $2.95

Luftwaffe Plank Hardstands: Resin cast to simulate the hardstands used by the Luftwaffe throughout Europe and Russia.

JPS006: 1/48th scale, 11 by 11 inches $24.95

JPS007: 1/72nd scale, 7 3/8 by 7 3/8 inches $19.95


PSP Hardstand: Our PSP hardstand is resin cast. Pierced steel planking AKA Mardsten Matting was used on all fronts by the American Air Forces and their allies during WWll, Korea and Vietnam wars.

JPS008: 1/48th scale, 10 by 12 inches $24.95

JPS009: 1/72nd scale, TBA


PSP Helicopter Pad: Resin cast to depict a small forward PSP helicopter pad. Often these landing pads were surrounded by a single row of sandbags and had wooden walkways leading to them. These features are replicated on our base.

JPS010: 1/48th scale, 7 by 13 inches $24.95

JPS011: 1/72nd scale, TBA

JPS012: 1/35th scale, TBA


Modern USN Carrier Deck: Big, hefty resin bases with photo-etched tie downs, depicting a section of a modern steel deck USN aircraft carrier.

JPS0013: 1/48th scale, 13 by 16 inches $37.95

JPS0014: 1/72nd scale, 8 ¾ by 11 ¾ inches $32.95


USS Hornet, Dolittle Raider Base: A section of an early WWII USN Aircraft Carrier sized to fit the Accurate Miniatures B25 B. Includes painting instructions for the Hornet in April 1942

JPS015: 1/48th scale, 13 by 16 inches $32.95