Airscale 1/24 Typhoon instrument panel.
PRODUCT: | Instrument decals |
PRICE: | £10.95 plus S&H from |
REVIEWER: | Scott Van Aken |
NOTES: | For the new Airfix kit |
has produced a new 1/24 Typhoon kit that is the rage of modelers today. However,
Airfix apparently did not put all that much effort into the instrument panel.
Anything in this scale is quite easily seen and so now we have a set of
replacement decals specifically designed for this kit.
Airscale has released a double set for the Typhoon. You get two options on how you want to do your TIffy instrument panel. One is to shave down the kit version, create a set of backing panels from sheet card, install the provided clear acetate behind the main panel to represent the instrument glass, and attach the full panel decals face down on the acetate, backing it up with the sheet plastic bits.
The other option is to use the separate instruments to fill the holes on the front of the kit panel and when dry, put a drop of clear gloss in each instrument.
The set comes with full placards as well for other parts of the cockpit and there are full instructions showing exactly where each decal is to be placed. The printing is crisp and clear as you'd expect from a modern decal.
A great set and very much recommended if you want to do your Typhoon justice.
August 2014
Thanks to Airscale for the review set. Get yours at
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