PRICE: | $12.00 MSRP |
OPTIONS: | Eight options |
REVIEWER: | Ryan Koschatzky |
The OH-58 Kiowa is built by Bell
Helicopter using their Bell206a Jet Ranger airframe. The current version of the
OH-58D started entering service in 1985. They are flown by the US Army and
Taiwan. Armament can be dual .50cals (use of the .50 the right was rare and
discounted after a while), dual twin shot Hellfires, dual twin shot ATAS
missiles, dual 7 shot rocket pods or a
combination of any of them depending on
This sheet is the first traditional screen printed decal set, printed by Microscale for Fireball. You get 8 options and stencils for one bird and all possible armament. Schemes are printed on glossy hard stock with all details need for painting and armament layout. All special needs are called out in red for each scheme.
95-0081 with E-Troop 1-7 Cav, Bosnia1998. White SFOR markings,
7th Cavpatch, Bounty Hunter logo,
and Garry Owen logo
2) 92-0545 with 10thMountain Div 6/6 Cav, location and time unknown. Two white Punisher skull logos and unit patch
3) 97-0129 with 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, Iraq June 2007. Light Grey circle, two white swords crossed with white cowboy hat covered skull
4) 96-0022 with D-Troop 1-7 Cav, Iraq 2007. two white swords crossed with blackcowboy hat covered skull, Garry Owen logo.
5) 91-0571 with 1-14thAviation
Regiment, Ft Rucker 2007. Two large white lettering “71G”,white skull and
6) 92-0518 with 2-17 Cav 101stAirborne,
Afghanistan 2008. Two yellow diamonds with number 1 in the center, two white “Azrael”
text, two red/white flag pennants
7) 95-0004 with C-Troop 3/17 Cav, Iraq2004 (shot down 9/4/04). Three gray bucking bronco logos, two gray “Monsta “ text
8) 93-0951 with C-Troop 1/17 Cav, Iraq 2007. Two white shields with white cross in the center, two three white striped “invasion” markings
The only small issue I found with the decals is with the 96-0022. The scheme calls for faint US Army side markings but none are included. A good work around is to apply the decal and mist the base color over the decal to fade it out. You have two extra side markings just in case.
Now for the good news/bad news. Good news, the decals are for modern birds. Bad news, the MRC kit is a nearly 58D out of the box. Good news, Cutting Edge made a set to upgrade it. Bad news, Cutting Edge is gone. Good news, Floyd of Werner's Wings has updated his set that Cutting Edge sold. What could be bad about that? Good news, soon after this review MPLH landing gear needed for the Punisher scheme is going to be release. For additional details check out “OH-58D Kiowa Warrior Walk around” by Floyd Werner Jr, published by Squadron/Signal books.
Thanks to Joseph from Fireball Modelworks for use of the decal image. Review
written after I paidfor and received the decals in hand.
Thanks t
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