Title:  Uncovering the ROCKWELL B-1B LANCER

Willy Peeters




 19.75 EUROS + p&p (APPROX 24.95 $ USD + p&p)

Reviewer: Jean Paul Poisseroux


ISBN 90-806747-7-X



Format 21 X 24cm, soft cover, 84 pages, English text, 367 pictures.

 In the streamline of Danny Coremans research, here is the second work signed by Willy Peeters devoted to the Rockwell B-1B bomber. In the same format as the DACO’s series, this volume is twice less thick, with 367 color pictures. This is the best walkaround on the subject up to this date on this giant of the Air Force, rather protected, you’ll guess. One discovers the nose, the wings, leading and trailing edges flaps, wing folding system, (interior and exterior), the engine nacelles, the exhausts, the F101, GE 102 engines in details. One continue with the belly fuselage, the ECM antennas and the rudder. Until these parts, no really news under the sun, what is following is really the wonderful part on my opinion with all the interiors; the complete cockpits (with extracts from manuals, dashboards, consoles, internal passages, seats….), the armament bay (empty and equipped), as well as the gears and their bays.  In complement we have the different loads, the fuels tanks, as well as the  specific loader.  With this amazing volume n° 22, you’ll have in your hand everything to detail your models, or simply discover a giant aircraft. Highly recommended…

Available at :http://ultra.glo.be/daco/

 May 2006 

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