If you'd like to help sponsor
this contest, please
contact me.
Roll Models has offered
to help sponsor this contest
Follow this link to the general rules. Failure to abide by these will result in removal from the contest so make sure you read them.
Specific information:
Entries will be accepted on or about 1 October 2007 (Dates are subject to change).
Do not vote until you see an announcement in What's New which will be around 1 December 2007
Here is the deal on this one. It is for any subject that participated in the Vietnam Wars from 1950 until 1975. It has to be something that was in-country or the Tonkin Gulf in direct support of the conflicts.
Be sure to comply with the general rules.
If you have any questions, post them on the -Forums-.
As with all other contests, if there are doubts and no one can answer your questions, I'll include it, but if I get any e-mails that show it is ineligible, I'll pull it. I will not pull a model after judging has started.
There will be no Display Section.
Awards are fully dependent on what is received. If you wish to help with providing awards, contact me.