Canadian What If
Leading Edge Models is sponsoring awards for both categories.
Follow this link to the general rules. Failure to abide by these will result in removal from the contest so make sure you read them.
Specific information:
Entries will be accepted on or about 15 May 2013 (Dates are subject to change).
Do not vote until you see an announcement in What's New which will be around 15 July 2013
This is a two part contest. First thing to know is that the subject has to be in Canadian markings. It is also only open to aircraft.
Part A is for aircraft that may well be a replacement for the current CF-18 Hornet. This is a rather short list and includes the F-18 Super Hornet, F-35, Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale.
Part B is for any aircraft from 1950 onward that could have logically been in the Canadian Air Force. Keep in mind that any Soviet/Chinese derived planes would not have been included in this until sometime around 2000.
To help further clarify things as I was asked several questions in this regard: It has to be extant aircraft that could have been in CAF service or in the case of the second class, those that might be. No paper projects. Means you can include the TSR.2 and CF-105 as they existed, even though the programs were cancelled in the test phase. All entries have to be marked as service aircraft with unit markings and the whole deal as appropriate to the time period.
Please be sure that you have your entries in appropriate unit markings as well. If you have questions, ask on the -Forum-
You need to designate your entries into one of these two categories. You can enter both categories if you wish.
As usual, you can upgrade the kit with aftermarket or scratchbuilt stuff is you want.
NEW For this contest only, there is no limit on entries.
Be sure to comply with the General Rules.
If you have any questions, post them on the . Please do not send me questions via e-mail as I'll just refer you to the forum.
Those entries without the full name of the entrant will no longer be posted.
As with all other contests, if there are doubts and no one can answer your questions, I'll include it, but if I get any e-mails that show it is ineligible, I'll pull it. I will not pull a model after judging has started.
There will be no Display Section.